
Mobile Suit Rhythm game

Project maintained by RetrobitCoder Hosted on GitHub Pages — Theme by mattgraham


banner image

Banner image and lose screen by: LENZ

LENZ’s work can be found at:

LENZ’s Instagram

Developer: Zachariah Falgout (RetrobitCoder)

Game Art: Zachariah Falgout (RetrobitCoder)

Arduboy Library: Arduboy2

This game can also be played by downloading Felipe Manga’s Arduboy Emulator and dragging and dropping in the hex file.

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Mobile suit/mecha rhythm like game for the Arduboy.


You are piloting the Orchestra’s new Rhythum mobile suit unit, when the ship you are on is attacked by a fleet of enemy suits known as the Conductors. Do you have what it takes to survive the Conductors’ attack?

How to Play

Press the correct (directional or A) button when icon lines up with aim reticule


Pause/Unpause game with B button

How to Download


Using an Arduboy game uploader that supports .hex files, or any other tools that can upload .hex files to the Arduboy, upload the .hex file to your Arduboy.


Rename file from game-master to game or move/copy game sub folder then upload to Arduboy using the Arduino IDE.

Game License